Categories: 2023

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Categories: 2023


Earlier this month we welcomed our new intern from the University of Waterloo, Kaia Lee, who will be with us in Athens until April. We also welcome a volunteer from the University of Athens, Evangelos Adam.

Kaia Lee is a third year undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo, currently double majoring in Anthropology and Classical Studies. After graduating, she plans to continue her studies by pursuing Archaeology at a graduate level.

Through her education, she has developed a keen interest in how cultures evolve from ancient practices to modern ones, and the factors that influence and impact that evolution. She finds the history of Greek science particularly fascinating, and enjoys examining how religion and philosophy interacted.

As an intern at the Canadian Institute in Greece, Kaia is looking forward to learning more about the academic side of Classics, and getting hands-on experience with archiving. This opportunity will give her the chance to immerse herself in the Greek culture and language. She is looking forward to understanding more about Greece, and getting to see the sights that she has only studied in class.

Evangelos Adam holds a B.A. in Classics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and has recently obtained his M.A. from the same university, with a specialization in Greco-Roman historiography. His thesis investigates the ‘rhetoric of self-presentation’ throughout the historical narrative of Velleius Paterculus, a Roman historian of the Tiberian era.

As a volunteer at the Institute Evangelos is assisting us with the library and website, where his native Greek is proving invaluable. He is also fluent in English, Italian and German, as well as speaking some French and Swedish. Evangelos believes that his work at the CIG will prove the perfect springboard for pursuing doctoral studies next year.

Jonathan Tomlinson
Assistant Director

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