Directed by Duane W. Roller (Wilfrid Laurier University), this 1985 survey mapped the Classical and Hellenistic city of Tanagra’s steep hillside, established the course of the perimeter wall, and located the remains of many substantial buildings, including a theater. Tanagra was important in the sixth century BCE, participating in the settlement of Herakleia Pontika in 560 BCE and perhaps in the colonization of southern Italy. Its ruins are marked by city walls, though little of them remains, and the southern part of the city provides the highest concentration of remains, though none of the interior structures stands higher than ~1.5 m above the present surface. These buildings are difficult to identify, though a likely location for the city’s theatre. Further work carried out under the auspices of the Netherlands Institute in Athens have confirmed many of the results of the 1985 project.  Preliminary reports of this project have been published in Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens (2006, 2005, 2001, 2000)  and BCH (2008).

More on the project can be found here: